Simple Procedure
Simple Procedure came into effect on 28th November 2016. It’s designed to provide a speedy, inexpensive and informal way to resolve disputes up to £5,000. It has replaced the Small Claims procedure as well as Summary Cause Procedure for certain types and values of cases.
The Rt. Hon. Lord Carloway, Chair of the Scottish Civil Justice Council, said “The simple procedure has been designed with the party litigant in mind, using accessible language and incorporating user-friendly guidance into the rules”.
There are extensive online resources that explain the procedure and how it has been implemented. Once an action is raised, the sheriff has a number of options. On many occasions, he may ask the parties to focus on alternative dispute resolution or negotiated settlements in an effort to resolve issues between them. The sheriff can also dispense with the action without a hearing if there are circumstances that support that course of action. The online support for this new procedure on the Scottish Courts website. You can read all about the new Simple Procedure by clicking here.
Whilst it’s been designed for use by individuals, we are happy to look after your interests using this new procedure.
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If you need our help, call us on 0141 887 5271 (Paisley) or 0141 886 5678 (Renfrew).